4. Migrating From OmniDB 2 to 3

4.1 Backend Database

IMPORTANT: Before running the migration, make sure that OmniDB 3 already has a config.py file with backend database properly configured, as explained in chapter 3.

As explained in the previous chapter, OmniDB 3 can be deployed pointing to a PostgreSQL database as opposed to using the default SQLite.

Even if users decide to stick to SQLite, OmniDB 3 uses a completely different database schema so migration steps are needed.

If the user decides not to migrate users and connections, no further steps are needed.

In order to migrate users and connections omnidb-server comes with option -M:

-M dbfile, --migratedatabase=dbfile
                    migrate users and connections from OmniDB 2 to 3: -M

OmniDB 2 stored its data in SQLite database file located by default in ~/.omnidb/omnidb-server/omnidb.db. If being used as a service, the file was located in the home of the root user, /root/.omnidb/omnidb-server/omnidb.db. If users were pointing OmniDB 2 to a custom directory, location would be: /path/to/dir/omnidb.db.

Migration is done simply by pointing omnidb-server with the appropriate parameters to the location of the old file:

omnidb-server -M ~/.omnidb/omnidb-server/omnidb.db
Starting migration...
Creating user admin...
User admin already exists...
User admin already contains connections in the target database. Skip this user? (y/n) n
Delete existing connections of user admin from target database before migrating existing ones? (y/n) y
Existing connections deleted.
Attempting to create connections of user admin...
Connection with alias 'connection 1' created.
Connection with alias 'connection 2' created.
Database migration finished.

4.2 Configuration File

As explained in chapter 3, OmniDB 3 uses the file config.py to retrieve custom settings.

OmniDB 2, on the other hand, used a file called omnidb.conf, which has a different syntax.

Users will have to manually edit the new configuration file with the appropriate settings.