12. OmniDB Config Tool

Every installation of OmniDB also comes with a small CLI utility called OmniDB Config. It will have a different file name, depending on the way you installed OmniDB:

  • If you are using a tarball or zip package, it is called omnidb-config, for both server and app versions;
  • If you used an installer (like the .deb file) of server version, it is called omnidb-config-server;
  • If you used an installer of app version, it is called omnidb-config-app.

Despite having different names, the utility does exactly the same. If you used an installer, it will be put in your $PATH.

user@machine:~$  omnidb-config-app --help
Usage: omnidb-config-app [options]

  --version             show program\'s version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d HOMEDIR, --homedir=HOMEDIR
                        home directory containing local databases config and
                        log files
  -c username password, --createsuperuser=username password
                        create super user: -c username password
  -a, --vacuum          databases maintenance
  -r, --resetdatabase   reset user and session databases
  -t, --deletetemp      delete temporary files

Set home directory

Option -d allows you to set the path to the OmniDB folder that contains the config and database files where you want to execute other options, like creating a new super user (-c).

Create super user

Option -c allows you to create a new super user, without needing to open OmniDB interface.

user@machine:~$ omnidb-config-app -c william password
Creating superuser...
Superuser created.


OmniDB has two databases:

  • omnidb.db: Stores all users and connections, and other OmniDB related stuff;
  • Sessions database: Stores Django user sessions.

Both databases are SQLite, so it can be useful to vacuum them sometimes to reduce file size. This can be done with the -a option.

user@machine:~$ omnidb-config-app -a
Vacuuming OmniDB database...
Vacuuming Sessions database...

Reset database

If you wish to wipe out all OmniDB information and get a clean database as it was just installed, you can use the -r option. Use it with caution!

user@machine:~$ omnidb-config-app -r
Would you like to continue? (y/n) y
Cleaning users...
Cleaning sessions...
Vacuuming OmniDB database...
Vacuuming Sessions database...

Delete temporary files

If you desire to remove temporary files that OmniDB creates along its execution, like exported queries in CSV/XLSX format, you can use the -t option.

user@machine:~$ omnidb-config-app -t
Cleaning temp folder...