5. Deploying omnidb-server

OmniDB’s settings allows users to deploy omnidb-server in different scenarios.

This section will provide details on how to properly configure OmniDB in the following scenarios:

  • Direct visibility: no applications between users accessing through the browser and OmniDB
  • Behind a reverse proxy: OmniDB is only visible by the intermediate proxy application (Apache or NGINX)

Regardless of what method is used, it is EXTREMELY important that environment is configured so that communication between users browsers and the machine hosting OmniDB (or the intermediate application) is encrypted.

5.1. omnidb-server Post Installation

After installing omnidb-server in your preferred Linux distro, a service will be automatically configured.

If you read the third chapter of this doc, you will know that OmniDB is supposed to be started pointing (with -d) to a directory containing the configuration file.

OmniDB’s service will NOT point to any specific directory so the default will be used, which is ~/.omnidb/omnidb-server as root user. Make sure to edit that file if deploying OmniDB using the service.

If you’re not using the service, edit the file that was created following the guidelines present in the third chapter (omnidb-server Usability).

5.2. Deploying OmniDB directly

In this case no reverse proxies are used, OmniDB is accessed directly.

For this scenario the user needs to specify the following parameters:

  • LISTENING_ADDRESS: Specify the address visible to the clients, can be a domain.
  • LISTENING_PORT: Specify a port that will be used in the browser url: https://mydomain.com:PORT
  • IS_SSL: True
  • SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE: /path/to/file
  • SSL_KEY_FILE: /path/to/file

Authentication and database settings explained in the third chapter can also be configured according to the needs.

5.3. Deploying OmniDB behind a reverse proxy

In this case OmniDB won’t be accessed directly but through a properly configured reverse proxy.

For this scenario a recommended approach is to run omnidb-server listening to the local address and without SSL, given that proxy will handle the security part.

The following parameters are required:

  • LISTENING_PORT: Specify a port to which the load balancer will redirect all OmniDB server requests.

IMPORTANT: OmniDB will not use SSL but it is recommended that you also enable the following two settings:


These will make sure that the client connecting to OmniDB (thorugh proxy) will only provide cookies if the connection is being done via HTTPS. Some browsers initially connect via HTTP so you may have a security breach without those settings.

Consider this example of OmniDB being hosted behind Nginx:

  • Starting omnidb-server:
omnidb-server -d /home/user/omnidb_dir
  • /home/user/omnidb_dir:
LISTENING_PORT       = 8000
IS_SSL                 = False

In this case OmniDB can only be accessed locally.

  • NGINX configuration file:
server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;
    include snippets/ssl-domain.conf;
    include snippets/ssl-params.conf;
    server_name domain.org;
    client_max_body_size 75M;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Ssl https;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto https;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Port 443;
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

As can be seen, NGINX is listening for requests to domain.org in port 443. All requests will be redirected to Users will access OmniDB with https://domain.org

As explained in chapter three, users may want to configure CUSTOM_PATH in config.py, which is useful when the domain is being shared with multiple applications.

For instance, if setting CUSTOM_PATH = 'omnidb', NGINX can have the following redirection rule:

location /omnidb {
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Ssl https;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto https;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Port 443;
    proxy_set_header   Host $host;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

And OmniDB is accessed with https://domain.org/omnidb