3. omnidb-server Usability

omnidb-server comes with several command line arguments to facilitate usage:

Usage: omnidb-server [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  General Options:
    -d HOMEDIR, --homedir=HOMEDIR
                        home directory containing config and log files
    -C CONF, --configfile=CONF
                        configuration file
    -i, --init          Create home directory containing config and log files

  Webserver Options:
    -H HOST, --host=HOST
                        listening address
    -p PORT, --port=PORT
                        listening port
    -P PATH, --path=PATH
                        path to access the application, other than /

  Management Options:
    Options to list, create and drop users and connections.

    -M dbfile, --migratedatabase=dbfile
                        migrate users and connections from OmniDB 2 to 3: -M
    -r, --resetdatabase
                        reset user and session databases
    -j, --jsonoutput    format list output as json
    -l, --listusers     list users
    -u username password, --createuser=username password
                        create user: -u username password
    -s username password, --createsuperuser=username password
                        create super user: -s username password
    -x username, --dropuser=username
                        drop user: -x username
    -m username, --listconnections=username
                        list connections: -m username
    -c username technology title host port database dbuser, --createconnection=username technology title host port database dbuser
                        create connection: -c username technology host port
                        database dbuser
    -z connid, --dropconnection=connid
                        drop connection: -z connid
  • General Options: Options to provision/specify configuration and directory locations.
  • Webserver Options: Webserver related settings.
  • Management Options: Several options to manage the currently configured backend database.

3.1. OmniDB User Files

omnidb-server is supposed to be pointed to a directory that contains files being used at execution time:

  • config.py: Configuration file.
  • omnidb.db: Local database containing user session data and also OmniDB related metadata, if the user decides to deploy OmniDB using SQLite as backend database.
  • omnidb.log: Log file, automatically rotated.

A directory is specified with: omnidb-server -d /path/to/dir. If not specified, OmniDB will use the default ~/.omnidb/omnidb-server.

When running omnidb-server for the first time, or pointing to a directory that does not contain existing files, OmniDB will create them for you and run. Users may prefer to run first omnidb-server --init, which will just create the default files allowing you can adjust settings before starting the application.

3.2. OmniDB Backend Database

OmniDB requires a database to store its metadata, containing user and connection details.

By default OmniDB uses SQLite, and will store its data in file omnidb.db located in the target runtime directory explained in the previous section.

Version 3.0 introduces the ability to deploy OmniDB using PostgreSQL as the backend database. This can be achieved by configuring config.py with the following section:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'dbname',
        'USER': 'postgres',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432',

Adjust the connection parameters accordingly.

When running omnidb-server, the target database will be configured and migrations will be executed to create required objects.

3.3. Authentication Methods

By default OmniDB authenticates users using its backend database.

OmniDB 3 introduces the ability to use different authentication methods. Version 3.0.0 comes with AD/LDAP, which is enabled by adding the following section in config.py:

import ldap
import django_auth_ldap.config
from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch

AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "uid=example,dc=example,dc=com"
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = django_auth_ldap.config.LDAPSearch(
            "uid=example,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "uid=%(user)s"


Parameters must be adjusted according to the LDAP server being used.

OmniDB’s LDAP authentication uses django-auth-ldap library, which contains several customization options. More details in: https://django-auth-ldap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

If additional settings are needed, just amend config.py accordingly.

3.4. OmniDB Configuration File

Apart from database and authentication settings, the configuration file (config.py) contains all settings required to properly deploy OmniDB according to the user’s environment.

  • LISTENING_ADDRESS: specifies in what address the server will listen, the default value is
  • LISTENNING_PORT: specifies in what port OmniDB server will listen, this is the port used in the browser’s URL if OmniDB is being accessed directly. The default value is 8000.
  • CUSTOM_PATH: specifies a custom path to access OmniDB in the browser URL. The default value is empty, meaning that no custom path is used. If user specifies 'test' in this setting, OmniDB will be accessible with This setting is useful when OmniDB is configured behind Apache or NGINX, so that all requests to the CUSTOM_PATH can be easily redirected to OmniDB.
  • IS_SSL, SSL_CERTIFICATE_FILE, SSL_KEY_FILE: settings to configure SSL connection. If IS_SSL is True then certificate and key files must be provided.

The previous settings are enough to securely provision omnidb-server. The Configuration file contains additional settings for environments with additional configuration requirements.